Sunday, January 30, 2011

One of the best drummers from our generation: Tony Royster Jr.

Why I'll probabily erase my facebook account

[caption id="attachment_50" align="aligncenter" width="614" caption="Facebook's wall"]Facebook's wall[/caption]


So, it's Sunday... There's nothing to do, except maybe reading a part from "Os Lusíadas" from Luís Vaz de Camões...

Did you know that in the whole world only exist 4 pieces of epic poetry? They are Iliad, Odyssey (both from Homer), Aeneid from Virgil, and Os Lusíadas. It's such a pride to be part of a people who achieved  great things... Go Portugal!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Youtube policies

This happened today. It'a a Saturday and I have nothing better to do than upload some videos to youtube...
I found out about this record tool on VLC and decided to try it and apparently it worked. I snipped some funny parts from several episodes of a show called How I Met Your Mother and uploaded them to Youtube...

It was all going awesome until I uploaded some parts of another show called The Big Bang Theory...

I apologize, but I don't know why I can't put parts of that show's episodes online. In my opinion, if someone watches that video and likes it, probably that show wins another viewer... It is great publicity...

The alleged video:

Let’s check MS Office Word out!

This was written on MSO Word… Maybe it'll be uploaded directly into wordpress… Let's check it out…