Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Youtube: Make your own videos!

Maybe you didn't know this, but at any given minute, this is what happens on the web:

[caption id="attachment_68" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="60 seconds on the web"][/caption]

Sorry about the image quality... but as you can see, 25 hours of new footage is uploaded to youtube... That's about 600 videos. If my math is correct (and it is, because I used a calculator xD), 864 000 videos are uploaded to youtube every day (about 36 000 hours...).

It is in fact a lot of GB spent in moving pictures.

So, if you are a video-blogger (vlogger) or if you want direct your own creations, but you're on a tight budget, you should make your own props. It isn't that difficult.

If you click here, you will go directly to The best show about this stuff on youtube: Backyard FX. You'll see great tips and DIY tutorials which will eventually help you pursuit the best video something.


Friday, June 24, 2011

New types of posts

So, with the start of summer, this blog also starts a new chapter in its life. :)

I'll write:

  • movie/series reviews;

  • posts about music;

  • tech posts;

  • music tutorials;

  • windows tutorials;

  • ...

Hope you all like the new blog attitude!

[caption id="attachment_65" align="aligncenter" width="610" caption="Why not have this kind of tires in your car?"][/caption]

Sorry for the absense...

After I wrote my last post, on January 30th, I went to check my stats from this blog and I noticed I didn't have any views at all.

Today was the first time in (almost) six months that I logged into the wordpress platform and I was shocked...

[caption id="attachment_61" align="aligncenter" width="413" caption="1274 views... WOW!"][/caption]