Thursday, November 3, 2011


Let's talk about YouTube!

So today I'm going to talk to you about the Shaytards...

3 (almost 4) years ago, Shay Carl Butler, a proud dad of three (amazing) kids was about to turn 29 and he thought about recording his last (365) days of his twenties... He started vlogging, everyday and introduced his wonderful family to the internet. They were originally five: ShayCarl (the dad), Katillete (Mommytard - her real name is Collete), Sontard (his oldest son - real name Gavin), Princesstard (middle-daughter - real name is Avia) and Babytard (his baby daughter - real name - Emmi). Shay didn't want us to know the real name of his kids, but you know how the Internet works... everything gets leaked somehow, and throughout the vlogs people catched their real names. (I'm just putting their names here because nowadays it's so easy to go on Google and search for "Shaytards real names"...).

Later in the vlogs Collete got pregnant and shared it with everyone. It was amazing to see the reactions of their audience! Almost two years ago Rocktard (the new baby-boy - real name is Brock) was born on the Internet  - literally ON the Internet, Collete was on labor and Shay was hanging around her whit the video camera...

Without knowing, at first, the Shaytards created one of the most amazing shows on the Web. Everyday they opened the door of their house for us to spend at least 10 minutes of the day with them. Some of you might be asking "Why would I want to see other people's family on YouTube?", well, aside from the awesomeness that they are, it really brightens almost everyone 's day to see their good values.

They are Mormon. But not that kind of Mormon who lives in farms, isolated from society, etc.. They go to church, they respect the religion... They bring good to our planet!

If you're still asking why you should check them out, just think about how many times you tried to pursue your dreams... Shay always supported his wife's dreams and she supported his dreams as well. In the video below, you can check why their show became so popular.
How many of you has a six figure debt? Getting on YouTube and making a career out of it allowed ShayCarl to pay his + $195000 debt...

In my opinion, you should checked them and watch just a couple of vlogs... You'll be mindblowned by their positive attitude through life's unexpected adversities. Enjoy!

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